OSU Extension: The Right Way to Store Eggs from your Backyard Chickens

2022-08-27 08:11:03 By : Mr. yong zhang

With increased prices in the grocery store, we have seen an increase in questions at OSU Extension about Backyard Poultry. Here are just a few tips to assist you with any questions especially about storing the eggs once your chicken come into egg laying. Poultry eggs are extremely porous and thus the way you handle the eggshell impacts the egg contents. When a bird lays an egg it is naturally coated in a protective coating called the “bloom” or “cuticle” which prevents most microorganisms from passing through the eggshell. The bloom is critical for the development of baby chicks and also human health.

Washing eggs removes the natural bloom from the egg allowing for increased risk of contamination from the outside in. Unwashed, undamaged, eggs should be stored at room temperature and will remain fresh for up to two weeks at room temperature. If you choose to wash eggs, you must wash them in clean running water that is 20 degrees Fahrenheit warmer than the egg (at least 90 degrees), then allow the eggs to dry, then store in the refrigerator. Refrigerated eggs should remain good for up to three months.

Only store clean eggs. Collect eggs from a clean laying area two to three times per day for greatest chances of clean shells. If surface debris are difficult to brush off while dry or easily rinse off, discard the egg. Never store or eat eggs with damaged shells. Even eggs that appear clean may harbor Salmonella. Salmonella and many other bacteria will not survive at 160 degrees, and they will not grow at a temperature below 40 degrees. Cook and store eggs at appropriate temperatures for safety’s sake.

These are the basics of egg handling and storage. For your health, it is important to know the differences.

Egg eating can have many causes and is best dealt with preventatively. Today we will cover why poultry may eat their own eggs and what can be done to end this destructive behavior.

Appropriate egg collection, nutritional provisions, stress reduction, and good coop design are all important to reduce the likelihood of egg eating from developing.

The longer freshly laid eggs stay in the chicken coop, the more opportunities there are for shell breakage, which will often lead to the first incidence of egg eating. Clean and plentiful bedding will help cushion eggs to prevent breakage. Providing spacious and plentiful laying boxes (at least six 12” x 12” boxes) will also help. Take all required actions with coop design to keep predators from entering the coop and breaking eggs.

Always feed a complete poultry feed designed for laying hens. Nutrient deficiencies and/or hunger can prompt egg eating. Limit the provision of scratch grains to avoid diluting the effectiveness of the complete feed. If feeding scratch grains, only provide as much as can be consumed within 15 minutes. Feeding an appropriate diet will also ensure eggshell strength and reduce the likelihood of breakage.

It is ideal to check for eggs multiple times a day, with a morning check before 10 a.m. If an egg breaks and a chicken gets a taste of the yummy inside, they will learn that they can break eggs to get more. Within the flock chickens imitate their flock mates and suddenly one egg eater can multiply into many. Egg eaters will often have dried egg on their beaks and heads.

Many people find it helpful to introduce chicks to wooden or ceramic eggs before they begin laying. In their curiosity, they will peck the eggs but get no reward from their efforts, thus discouraging egg pecking in the future. If you have addressed all the points listed above and egg eating persists, you must identify which birds are eating eggs and cull those problem birds from the flock. Beak trimming is not a recommended control for dealing with egg eating in small farm or backyard flocks.

And as a gentle reminder, never eat eggs that have damaged shells from pecking behavior even if the membrane of the shell is still intact. Discard any damaged eggs immediately.

SOURCE: Christine Gelley, Noble County Ag And Natural Resources Educator gelley.2@osu.edu